The approval copies for Burning Empires came in last week!
Man are they gorgeous! And hefty.
I can't wait to see people flip through this beast at GenCon.
Brand kindles from brand until it be burned, spark is kindled from spark, man unfolds him by speech with man, but grows over secret through silence.
Dammit, this is beautiful.
I can't wait to get MY copy.
And post more, yo!
Thanks guys!
I'm going to make an effort to post more frequently. I've been playing too many games lately and I haven't had a lot of time to write! :)
Hey, now that you're good and married, you'll have far more time for playing games. ;)
I know I'm in total fanboy mode, but... I have a feeling that BE may very well be the next Traveller, i.e., a SFRPG that people actually give a crap about.
Damn me, damn me to hell!
Totally, Joshua! (Not that I wouldn't be ecstatic if Burning Empires approached Traveller's popularity!)
One of my groups has just agreed to add both Galactic and Shock: to our schedule! :)
I'm sorry.
Bliss Stage is a game about Emotions. The colour is Sci-fi, but the issues and themes are decidedly on the emotional curve.
This time's recent surge in emotion heavy games: Breaking the Ice, Bliss Stage, Misery Bubblegum, Panty Explosion, Shooting the Moon...
Games with Sci-Fi color = Sci-Fi games.
Burning Wheel is a fantasy game even though it focuses on Beliefs.
I'd be happy to discuss it wherever. (Short version: essentialist/Platonic genre definitions drive me batty, although I do see a benefit in being more specific when it comes to sub-genres, etc.).
More-on-topically: I saw the approval copy of BE at the Strat and it is soooo beautiful that I had to restrain myself from buying it then and there. But I figured it would be better to leave for someone who hasn't pre-ordered it.
Now we have all three possible options up :)
And Jon, I think Star-Wars is unabashedly Fantasy.
I held Luke's copy at DexCon.
I stroked it as well. I couldn't help it.
To quote Tony: "You know, there's setting the bar. And then there's setting the bar TOO FUCKING HIGH."
Type cannot express my admiration (and jealousy) for the effort and pure awesome that you guys put into that game.
Hey guys,
I'm more than happy to have a discussion about genre conventions and definitions here. I'll start a new thread.
that's my arm!
Drozdal said: "that's my arm!"
Quiet you! Back to work! :)
ok mom!
(don't you want to know what t-shit i was wearing that day ?) ;)
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